Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jobshadow in Seattle

Liz, Doug, Isaac and Georgia after Doug took Isaac to the hospital for the day. Seeing the family was such a treat, and Doug and Liz were so generous with their time and talents.
Clayton and Isaac

Barb and Georgia in Seattle, where we met up with Molly and Andrea and Isaac for the "Lucy" exhibit.
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Nonie said...

What a fun trip! Is Isaac looking into the medical world? Exciting! Hope to see you all soon again.

Anonymous said...

How was the weather? You have such a good looking son! Leslie

Anonymous said...

Geogia! you look awesome! I love the bangs! By the way- great family portrait...

Brad and Barb Cahoon said...

Come see me again, Sista! But next time stay a week!!!